Making the Coconut Tree

I have benefited endlessly from other bloggers’ how-tos with detailed picture outlines.  I have to admit, I know it’s a monkey-load more work than I originally thought.  But, it’s worth it, to share with you a fun, straightforward way to accomplish a task (like watermarking your photos).

Here, for your general amusement and non-crafty instruction is how I made the Chicka Chicka Boom-Boom coconut tree.  I cut out and laminated the letters myself.  This was a gigantic waste of time, as any dollar store worth its salt carries die cut letters for next to nothing.  Take advantage.

Note: If you can cut snowflakes and draw triangles, bumpy, and curved lines, you have all the skills you need to make this.  Laminating makes everything better, but not strictly necessary.

Step 1: Make the trunk.

Draw 2 roughly parallel sets of bumpy lines on a brown piece of construction paper. Repeat 4 times, lining up the last paper with the new paper to get the width right. Make last paper a little closer together with a slight bend to the left (see finished picture).

Connect your bumps with a slightly curving line. (I am left handed, so this picture is actually me drawing from left to right.)

Look with dismay at the giant poop you just made. Repair by drawing these little triangle things all over. Breathe sigh of relief.

Laminate and stick on wall. The evilness: A piece of construction paper is not standard size, so you’ll have to chop it in places and use 5 laminating sheets to do 4 pieces. Shake fist and curse the makers of construction paper for this oversight.

Then, make the palm fronds:

Tape together two pieces of construction paper at the short ends.

Fold in half long way.

Fold in half again, the short way to make a long rectangle with the fold on the top.

Begin cutting within 1/2 in. of the top, through all 4 layers. Make a fringe. (I took this picture before I realized cutting the shape of the big leaf can wait to the end. I’ll show you why.)

Shake this thing until it does a little luau dance for you. ooo…pretty…

Open the last fold you made and watch your joy multiply by 2.

Cut into the shape of a row boat, leaving the back end square. Save million cut up pieces.

Don’t wait. The kids are totally going to get into that pile of clippings. Make a delightful grass base to your tree by arranging (dumping) all the clippings on a laminating sheet. Any excuse to laminate, right?

Cut up the laminated sheet into 3 wavy pieces. Tuck partially into baseboard and tape onto wall.

Open up. Yes, you are awesome.

Let the hot little hands waiting patiently do what they do best: Wrinkle things up.

Draw 3 or 4 lines down the center as the stem.

Let very artistic child put palm fronds up. Make small ones from one piece of paper for accent.

Admire your parenting genius.

Contribution to the homeschool world today: Complete.
The auction has begun! And, we’re selling a coconut tree, as shown above. Auction to Bring Thadius Home, being held via Facebook from 8/15/12 until 8/31/12. Or, donate $25 to our son’s tax-deductible adoption fund, and I’ll ship one to you. Forward me the email of your receipt to biglittledays at gmail dot com and I’ll have it out to you ASAP.